Benefits of Eating Fall Foods
Fabulous Fall Finds
Lettuce Turnip the Beet! The entire beet is edible – even its leaves and roots!
Fiber- Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
Folate - Protects your heart, helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, boosts cognitive function
Manganese - Helps prevent osteoporosis and inflammation
Vitamin C- Protects against immune system deficiencies
Potassium - Aids in nerve and muscle function
Protein (yes! protein) - Used to build and repair muscle tissue
Broccoli is a cancer fighting cruciferous superfood!
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
Protein (yes! protein) - Used to build and repair muscle tissue
Vitamin A - Plays an important role in bone growth
Vitamin C - Protects against immune system deficiencies
Folate - Protects your heart, helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, boosts cognitive function
Iron - Helps produce healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body
Potassium - Aids in nerve and muscle function
Omega-3 fatty acids - Helps improve brain function, metabolism, and bone, skin and hair growth
Brussel Sprouts
Brussel sprouts are the most hated vegetable in the U.S. but slowly gaining in popularity as people begin to appreciate them for the cancer fighting cruciferous superfood they are!
Vitamin C- Protects against immune system deficiencies
Vitamin K - Anti-inflammatory
Folate - Protects your heart, helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, boosts cognitive function
Manganese - Helps prevent osteoporosis and inflammation
Vitamin B6 - Promotes overall growth and good health by converting carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. Also helps develop a healthy brain.
Vitamin B1 (thiamin)- Provides energy to the body by helping convert carbohydrates to energy
Potassium- Aids in nerve and muscle function
Omega-3 fatty acids - Helps improve brain function, metabolism, and bone, skin and hair growth
Vitamin A - One cup of carrots provides over 400% of your daily Vitamin A! Plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function, healthy skin, and reducing inflammation through fighting free radical damage.
Potassium - Aids in nerve and muscle function
Vitamin K - Helps blood to clot, plays essential role in building strong bones and helps prevent heart disease
Vitamin E - Helps protect the heart and eyes
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
Celery is a very challenging crop to grow because it takes about 140 days to harvest!
Fiber - Aids in digestion (acts like a natural "broom." Just as if more effective than most OTC remedies) and regulates blood sugar levels.
Antioxidants - Aids in cardiovascular health, brain function (including memory) and cancer prevention
Vitamin Bs - Promotes overall growth and good health by converting carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy.
Vitamin A (in the leaves) - Plays an important role in bone growth
Phytochemicals - Help prevent and fight cancer.
Like a tomato, the eggplant is also considered a fruit and a nightshade vegetable. It contains solanine, which in large amounts, for some, can cause inflammation and stiff joints.
Manganese - Helps prevent osteoporosis
Thiamin - Provides energy to the body by helping convert carbohydrates to energy.
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
Folate - Protects your heart, helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, boosts cognitive function
Vitamin K - Helps blood to clot, plays essential role in building strong bones and helps prevent heart disease
Protein - (yes! protein) - Used to build and repair muscle tissue
A cancer fighting cruciferous superfood!
Vitamin A Plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function, healthy skin, and reducing inflammation through fighting free radical damage.
Vitamin K - Helps blood to clot, plays essential role in building strong bones and helps prevent heart disease
Vitamin C - Protects against immune system deficiencies
Folate - Protects your heart, helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, boosts cognitive function
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
Calcium - Builds and maintains strong and healthy bones
Potassium - Aids in nerve and muscle function
Vitamin E - Helps protect the heart and eyes
Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Helps improve brain function, metabolism, and bone, skin and hair growth
Protein - Used to build and repair muscle tissue
Vitamin D - Known as the "Sunshine vitamin." Mushrooms (grown outdoors in the sunshine) are the only vegetables that can make vitamin D. They contain a precursor that is converted into vitamin D when exposed to the sun
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
Vitamin C - Protects against immune system deficiencies
Folate - Protects your heart, helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, boosts cognitive function
Vitamin B2, B3, B5 - Promotes overall growth and good health by converting carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy.
Copper - Helps prevent osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease
Selenium - Acts as a powerful antioxidant
Phosphorous - Works with calcium to promote strong bones and teeth
Potassium - Aids in nerve and muscle function
Protein - Used to build and repair muscle tissue
Iron - Helps produce healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body
Red, orange and yellow bell peppers are just ripened green peppers! It's true! They start out green, and change color (and sweeten) as they ripen from green peppers to yellow then to orange then red! Which is your favorite?
Vitamin C - Protects against immune system deficiencies
Vitamin A Plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, neurological function, healthy skin, and reducing inflammation through fighting free radical damage.
Folate - Protects your heart, helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, boosts cognitive function
Vitamin B6 - Promotes overall growth and good health by converting carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. B6 also helps develop a healthy brain.
Vitamin E - Helps protect the heart and eyes
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
There are over 4300 varieties of potatoes!
Vitamin C - Protects against immune system deficiencies
Vitamin B6 - Promotes overall growth and good health by converting carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. B6 also helps develop a healthy brain.
Potassium - Aids in nerve and muscle function
Manganese - Helps prevent osteoporosis and inflammation
Folate - Protects your heart, helps maintain a healthy pregnancy, boosts cognitive function
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
Protein - Used to build and repair muscle tissue
Iron - Helps produce healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body
The largest pumpkin in North America weighs in at 2,261.5 pounds!
Vitamin A - Plays an important role in bone growth
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels
Vitamin C - Protects against immune system deficiencies
Potassium - Aids in nerve and muscle function
Iron - Helps produce healthy red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body
Calcium - Builds and maintains strong and healthy bones
Protein - Used to build and repair muscle tissue
Don’t throw away the leafy green tops — they are the most nutritious part!
Vitamin C - Protects against immune system deficiencies
Vitamin B6 - Promotes overall growth and good health by converting carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. B6 also helps develop a healthy brain.
Vitamin A - Plays an important role in bone growth Protects Eye Health.
Vitamin K - Helps blood to clot, plays essential role in building strong bones and helps prevent heart disease
Calcium - Builds and maintains strong and healthy bones
Manganese - Helps prevent osteoporosis and inflammation
Fiber - Aids in digestion and regulates blood sugar levels