Vitamin D's Redemption
After being put down for years in the medical community and in the press, vitamin D is now getting its day in the sun. It has emerged as...

Summer Stealth Health
Summer Stealth Health Strategies Easy-going summer living does not have to mean sacrificing a healthy lifestyle. Whether staying at home...
Snack Attack
There’s no denying that everyone, at one time or another, has had a snack attack. Views on snacking differ. Some feel that snacking is...
The Detox Delivers - by Guest Blogger Steven Alloy
For most of my 49 years, I have not had healthy eating habits. My favorite food group was pizza, I had a hard time passing up a side...
Master Mindful Eating
How many times have you wolfed down a meal so quickly your body barely registers that you even ate? It’s a sad consequence of our...
Show Sugar Who's the Boss
Did you know the addictive nature of sugar rivals that of cocaine, morphine, and cigarettes? It’s no accident recovering alcoholics often...
Root Veggies
When you think about healthy eating, salads and green vegetables usually come to mind. But how about adding a little more variety to your...
6 Simple Steps to Detoxing Your Kitchen
Did you know chemical toxins are sneaking into your body on a daily basis—even if you’re living a super healthy lifestyle? It’s true....
Here is a free, downloadable "My Rules" worksheet to create your own set of custom rules. Use this to help you stay sane and healthy...
- Quick Total Body Workout -
This workout can be done at the gym or at home. Listen to your body and make modifications as needed. The reps may be increased or...